3. Design Development Phase (DD)
“Bring the idea into focus”
Based on the results of SD, we develop the design with more specifics in form, material, products, etc. These decisions help solidify design issues in preparation for the construction documents. Drawings are typically larger and more accurately drafted than SD. A number of specific products may be researched and selected. Square footage and cost are revisited.
Examples from A Mission Style Makeover:
Design Development begins where Sechmatic Design left off:
Floor plan sketch from the end of Schematic Design.
Freehand pencil on trace
1/8"=1'-0" scale
8 1/2" x 11" paper
Finished floor plans at the end of Design Development
Computer drawn
24"x36" paper
Detail from floor plan above
Computer drawn
24"x36" paper
Finished building elevations at the end of Design Development
Computer drawn
24"x36" paper
Detail from elevations above
Computer drawn
24"x36" paper
Finished building sections at the end of Design Development
Computer drawn
24"x36" paper